Alison Chan

Manager, Retail Leasing

Alison is constantly on the lookout for the next food fad and restaurant to try – an interest that is fuelled by the industry knowledge and market intelligence that she acquires through her work in retail leasing, specialising in the food and beverage (F&B) and lifestyle sectors.

Her favourite cuisine is Japanese – be it sushi, shabu shabu, yakiniku, yakitori or ramen.

“I appreciate the minimalistic and simple approach to Japanese dining, from the food presentation to the interior and the atmosphere of Japanese restaurants. Less is definitely always more!”

Having been raised in a family invested in the real estate market, Alison was fascinated with the industry at an early age. Enrolling in property-related courses during studies in communications at Boston College further piqued her interest.

Prior to her senior year at college, Alison interned with the Residential and Relocation Services department at JLL Hong Kong and applied to join the Graduate Trainee programme at the firm upon graduation.

After a whirlwind series of interviews, Alison landed in the Retail department as part of a two-year rotation and ultimately decided to stay when she was offered a full-time position.

“I chose Retail because of the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the sector. Being able to get a glimpse of the restaurant, fashion, entertainment, education world is so exciting. Not a lot of jobs can offer that,” she says.

Alison prefers being in tenant representation so that she can build on the relationships that she establishes with tenants and landlords. “As much as I serve them on the real estate front, they in turn share a lot of stories and insights about their business with me, which is extremely valuable,” she adds.

H Code in Central, a food and creative concept, was Alison’s first foray into F&B and opened her eyes to the sector. “It was really satisfying to be able to oversee the project from beginning to end.”

“It’s about showing the real estate industry that we’re more than a service provider. It’s for colleagues to know that we’re making a real difference to social causes.”

Having visited the global JLL Foodservice Consulting team in London, Alison hopes to extend her professional skills into F&B consulting. “I would like to be able to identify and advise our F&B clients on the gaps in their business. Being able to work across regions and departments can enhance our relationships with them,” she says.

Clients have expressed their appreciation of the collective effort and care that JLL professionals demonstrate, Alison says, adding that her own team has been very supportive and willing to share their experience. “The company has given me so much so I would like to give back.”

As a member of the firm’s “Young Strategic Leadership Programme”, she will help coordinate efforts for JLL to become a more sustainable business in Hong Kong, thereby better supporting clients, and benefitting employees and our communities, in line with the firm’s “Building a Better Tomorrow” global sustainability ambition.

A shortage of affordable, quality housing is a social issue that is top of mind for Hong Kong and for Alison, who says she is the most passionate about this cause among children’s education and animal welfare.